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Object #4: Router | Application | App

A heaven App, Application, or Router can be imported by any of it's aliases and is what you deploy.

from heaven import App
from heaven import Router
from heaven import Application

yes = App == Router == Application

Heaven is A Router

router = Router()

handler = lambda req, res, ctx:...

router.GET('/read', handler)
router.POST('/write', handler)

# register this handler for all http methods i.e. GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS, etc...
router.HTTP('/all', handler)

# run this handler before all orders routes
router.BEFORE('/orders/*', handler)

# or even after
router.AFTER('/orders/*', handler)

Additional Router APIs

  • router.AFTER(url: str, handler: func, subdomain: str) -> This is called a hook - a function that is hooked to run after all matching routes.

    message = 'I will run after all /v1/* routes'
    router.AFTER('/v1/*', lambda req, res, ctx: print(message))
    # will run after
    router.GET('/v1/customers', ...)
    router.POST('/v1/leads', ...)
    # but not after

  • router.BEFORE(url: str, handler: func, subdomain: str) -> Same as after hook above - but runs before all matching routes.

  • router.GET(url: str, handler: func, subdomain: str) -> Registers your custom handlers/functions to be invoked when a request matches the provided url. All other HTTP methods POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE etc. work in similar fashion. The subdomain optional argument limits the matching to a subdomain.

  • router.HTTP(url: str, handler: func) -> Registers your custom handlers/functions to all HTTP methods i.e. GET, PUT, POST, PUT, PATCH instead of doing it individually.

Heaven is a Global Config & Store

Global Config

router = Router({'secret_key': 'not so secret...'})
This will be available in all handlers via the `

Additional Store/State APIs

  • router.keep(key: str, value: any) -> Like. c.keep() but persisted across multiple request lifecycles.

  • router.peek(key: str, value: any) -> Take a peek at your global dynamic application state without removing the kept value.

  • router.unkeep(key: str, value: any) -> Remove and return the kept value from the global dynamic application state.

Customizing Your Heaven Application
# development
from aiomysql import connect as Connection
from redis import Redis
from heaven import App  # also available as Router, Application

app = App()

# adding a database connection?
async def database_middleware(router: Router):
    client = await Connection(host='localhost', port=3306, user='root', password='', db='mysql')
    router.keep('db', client)

# synchronous initialization also supported
def upredis(router: Router):
    redis = Redis('localhost')
    router.keep('redis', redis)

# now use it in your handlers
async def create_order(req: Request, res: Response, ctx: Context):
    db: Connection ='db')
    await db.execute('''INSERT ...''')

app.ON(STARTUP, updatabase)
app.ON(SHUTDOWN, downdatabase)

app.POST('/orders', create_order)

2. Running your heaven application in production
# development
uvicorn application:router --reload

# production
gunicorn -w 4 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker application:router

Replace the number after -w with the number of processors you desire to run your app with.

Slow Down Tiger

You might be asking - what about the applications port number etc? 😁