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heaven.response.Response: Open on GitHub

Minute 3

Object #2. Response

All handlers receive this as the second argument i.e. ...(..., res: Response, ...) with the following properties & methods to help with responding to http requests.

  • res.body: any = 'hello' -> Sets the body that will be sent back with the response object.

  • res.defer(func: Callable) -> Registers a function to be called after the response is sent to the client. Callable must accept a single parameter of type: Router | Application

    def send_sms_after_request(router: Router):
            twilio = router.peek('twilio')
            twilio.messages.create(to='+123456', from='+123456', body='Hi!')
    async def create_order(req, res, ctx):
            res.defer = send_sms_after_request
            res.defer = lambda r: print('I will be called too...')
            res.status = 202

  • res.headers: tuple[2] | list[2] -> How headers are set i.e.

    res.headers = 'Set-Cookie', 'Token=12345; Max-Age=8700; Secure; HttpOnly'

  • res.status: int -> HTTP status code to be sent back with the response

  • res.render(html: str, **context): Coroutine[str] -> Asynchronous function to help with rendering html. See rendering html tutorial

  • res.redirect(location: str) -> This does this for you behind the scenes.

    res.status = HTTPStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT
    res.headers = 'Location', '/location'
    Browsers will redirect upon receipt of the header and http status above.

  • res.abort(payload: any) -> If this is called then all PRE and POST hooks will be aborted

Here is a sample request handler function that shows almost all the functionality the Response object provides.

async def hello(req, res: Response, ctx):
    res.status = HTTPStatus.CREATED
    res.headers = 'Content-Type', 'application/json'
    res.body = dumps({'message': 'Why hello there...'})

    # will overwrite res.body above
    await res.render('index.html')  


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