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A promise is a promise. So it's time to tell you about heaven's objects. Don't fret - there are only 4 of them.

Object #1: Request

All handlers will receive this as their first argument i.e. ...(req: Request, ..., ...) - and all Request objects come with the following helper properties (bag of goodies).

  • Router -> An instance of the base heaven application

  • req.body: bytes -> The body sent along with the request

  • req.cookies: dict -> All the cookies sent with request [keys in lowercase]

  • req.form: Form -> If content-type of req is multipart/form-data, this will return a form object - a light wrapper on a dict.

    def create_lead(req, res, ctx):
        form = req.form

  • req.headers: dict -> All the headers sent with request [keys in lowercase] i..e req.headers.get('content-type')

  • req.method: str -> GET, POST, DELETE? What method type is the http request

  • req.mounted: app -> The mounted router if this request handler is from a mounted router.

    from router import Router, App
    router_1 = Router()
    router_1.GET('/', lambda req, res, ctx:...)
    app = App()
    app.mount(router) # all routes defined on router_1 will be mounted to app
    Useful if you have different configurations on child routers and want to access them separately.

  • req.params: dict -> Querystring parameters and url masks /customers/:param1 parsed into a dictionary

  • req.querystring: str -> The part after the ? i.e. parsed in comma separated string form

  • req.scheme: dict -> http or https i.e. what protocol is current request using.

  • req.subdomain: str -> If request was made to a subdomain i.e. or then this holds the subdomain value e.g. www and api.

  • req.url: str -> The url that matched to this handler as sent by the client


Next: Response from Heaven