-> A str
constant helpful to preven you from typing 'www'
everywhere in your code.
-> A str
constant helpful to prevent you from typing '*'
everywhere in your code.
context.keep(key: str, value: any)
-> This is how values are kept/stored in the context API for use across http requests. see decorator code snippet for example on its usage
-> Tiny wrapper around a dict returned from req.FORM
when content-type of request is of type multitype/form-data
or application/x-www-form-urlencoded
from heaven.form import Form
HEADERS = ['multitype/form-data', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded']
async def example(req, res, ctx):
if(req.headers.get('content-type') in HEADERS):
isinstance(req.form, Form) # --> True
assert req.form is None # --> True
router.AFTER(url: str, handler: func, subdomain: str)
-> This is called a hook - a function that is hooked to run after all matching routes.
message = 'I will run after all /v1/* routes'
router.AFTER('/v1/*', lambda req, res, ctx: print(message))
# will run after
router.GET('/v1/customers', ...)
router.POST('/v1/leads', ...)
# but not after
router.BEFORE(url: str, handler: func, subdomain: str)
-> Same as after hook above - but runs before all matching routes.
router.CONNECT(url: str, handler: func, subdomain: str)
-> Registers your custom handlers/functions to be invoked when a CONNECT
http request to the provided url
is received.
router.DELETE(url: str, handler: func, subdomain: str)
-> Registers your custom handlers/functions to be invoked when a DELETE
http request to the provided url
is received.
router.GET(url: str, handler: func, subdomain: str)
-> Registers your custom handlers/functions to be invoked when a GET
http request to the provided url
is received.
router.HEAD(url: str, handler: func, subdomain: str)
-> Registers your custom handlers/functions to be invoked when a HEAD
http request to the provided url
is received.
router.HTTP(url: str, handler: func, subdomain: str)
-> Registers the same handler
func: Callable[[Request, Response, Context], None]
to be called for ALL
http request methods i.e. GET, PUT, POST, PUT, PATCH etc. instead of doing it individually.
# this is one line
router.HTTP('/', lambda req, res, ctx: res.renders('index.html'))
# but is the same as this
router.CONNECT('/', lambda req, res, ctx: res.renders('index.html'))
router.DELETE('/', lambda req, res, ctx: res.renders('index.html'))
router.GET('/', lambda req, res, ctx: res.renders('index.html'))
router.HEAD('/', lambda req, res, ctx: res.renders('index.html'))
router.OPTIONS('/', lambda req, res, ctx: res.renders('index.html'))
router.PATCH('/', lambda req, res, ctx: res.renders('index.html'))
router.POST('/', lambda req, res, ctx: res.renders('index.html'))
router.PUT('/', lambda req, res, ctx: res.renders('index.html'))
router.TRACE('/', lambda req, res, ctx: res.renders('index.html'))
router.OPTIONS(url: str, handler: func, subdomain: str)
-> Registers your custom handlers/functions to be invoked when a OPTIONS
http request to the provided url
is received.
router.PATCH(url: str, handler: func, subdomain: str)
-> Registers your custom handlers/functions to be invoked when a PATCH
http request to the provided url
is received.
router.POST(url: str, handler: func, subdomain: str)
-> Registers your custom handlers/functions to be invoked when a POST
http request to the provided url
is received.
router.PUT(url: str, handler: func, subdomain: str)
-> Registers your custom handlers/functions to be invoked when a PUT
http request to the provided url
is received.
router.TRACE(url: str, handler: func, subdomain: str)
-> Registers your custom handlers/functions to be invoked when a TRACE
http request to the provided url
is received.