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Minute 1

We are assuming you have installed heaven via pip install heaven. If no, then go ahead and install it; If you have, then the clock is ticking so let's dive in.

1. Create a handler function

In a file of your choosing: i.e. or src/controllers/

import json
from http import HTTPStatus

from heaven import Request, Response, Context

async def get_one_customer(req: Request, res: Response, ctx: Context):
    id = req.params.get('id')
    res.status = HTTPStatus.CREATED
    res.body = json.dumps({"message": f"heaven is easy for customer {id}"})

As you can see above - your handler functions can also be async, and must accept 3 arguments that will be injected by heaven. We'll get to them in Minute 2, Minute 3 and Minute 4.

2. Connect your handler to the heaven application
from heaven import Router

# from your controller file above
from controllers import get_one_customer

# create the application
router = Router()

# connect it to a route
router.GET('/v1/customers/:id', get_one_customer)

All HTTP methods i.e. GET, POST etc. are all supported

3. Run With Gunicorn or Uvicorn
# assuming your is in a file called
uvicorn my_app:router  --reload --port 9000

# or

gunicorn -w 4 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker application:router


Next: Requests to Heaven